Compression Stocking Care

Caring for your medi compression garments
Wash Daily
If worn every day, stockings should be washed every day too.

Hand Wash
Warm handwash with medi Clean, or laundry detergent.

Washing No's
No flakes, powders, bleach, fabric softners or body soaps.

Drying Stockings
Hang away from strong or direct sunlight and away from heaters.

Use medi Clean or detergents from the laundry aisle without palm oil or eucalyptus.

Silicone Bands
Regularly brush the Silicone band with a toothbrush to remove skin debris.

Drying Tip
Roll your garment in a towel and gently squeeze to help remove excess water.

Machine Wash
medi compression stockings, sleeves and socks are machine washable below 40° C

No Dryers or Irons
Do not use a clothes dryer or iron on your medi stockings, socks or compression garments.